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SmartSkin CO2 and MixTo CO2

The best in fractional CO2 skin resurfacing.

Both SmartSkin and MixTo provide a CO2 laser resurfacing treatment intended for those that have advanced signs of aging. This procedure targets deep wrinkles, loss of firmness and elasticity, reduces pore sizes, and evens out the skintone.

Texture abnormalities in the skin are a thing of the past after just a few treatments of this highly effective procedure performed in our Naples and Fort Myers offices. Dramatic results are possible with very little recovery time spent while the skin heals. This can also rejuvenate the neckline, chest, legs, arms, labia, scrotum, hands, and nearly any area where some of the highly visible signs of aging occur. Age spots are greatly faded, and wrinkles diminished in the decolletage area.

Younger looking skin is easier than you think with laser skin resurfacing.

In just one treatment you can have a more youthful looking appearance with improved tone and texture of your skin. Achieve long lasting results without the pain or side effects associated with a more invasive surgery.

Best of all, you will still look like you – only better.


This fractional technology uses microbeams of energy to create areas of affected tissue that extend through the epidermis into the dermis. This triggers the body’s natural healing process to create new, healthy collagen and smoother, tighter skin.


Results will appear in days as the damaged, rough, uneven, wrinkled or aged skin is sloughed off and new healthier skin is revealed. In the weeks following treatment, new skin grows and skin continues to improve. Full results are visible in 1-2 months.


The benefits of SmartSkin and MixTo fractional ablative CO2 laser resurfacing are dramatic. SmartSkin/MixTo delivers:

  • Smoother Skin
  • Reduced wrinkles
  • More even color and tone
  • Tightening effect
  • Scar elimination or reduction
  • Improved texture and softness


SmartSkin/MixTo treatment permanently reverses aging, removes damage, and resets the clock. Aging, however, is ongoing , individual, and varies in severity. Most people find that decades of damage have been eliminated and the results are somewhat permanent. Future aging starts from a new starting point and is easily treated with a little maintenance care. SPF prolongs the result and prevents many visible signs of aging.


Before & After


At Contemporary Health Center, we make dramatic rejuvenation and resurfacing affordable. Treatments start as low as $500. Exact cost of your treatment will be discussed at consultation. Individual treatment and bundle packages are often available for additional results and value.

Click our brochure button to find out general pricing. Ask about specials and discounts.


Call us for a consultation to determine if SmartSkin/MixTo laser is right for you and will likely achieve the results you are seeking. If SmartSkin or MixTo CO2 laser resurfacing is appropriate, we will discuss downtime and help you choose a treatment date. A deposit is required to book and secure your appointment.



SmartSkin/MixTo CO2 rejuvenation is simple. First, arrive for your appointment with your numbing cream prescription, wearing a loose fitting top, with no contacts in, no jewelry on, and a clean face, if possible. We apply the numbing cream. We will give you some relaxing medication, Ativan, to ease any anxiety and make treatment more comfortable. You will need a driver to pick you up at the end of your appointment. While the treatment area is numbing, you can relax, watch a movie or nap comfortably in our treatment chair. After 1 hour or so, your numbing cream is wiped off and your lasering begins. If we are treating your eyelids, special protective eye shields will be used. Finally, we will apply ice to cool the skin and Aquaphor to soothe and protect your freshly ablated skin.

The appointment takes around 2-2.5 hours, depending on the areas being treated. Numbing cream is applied for 1 hour. Laser is performed for 30-45 minutes or longer for larger or multiple areas.

The procedure is tolerable and any discomfort only lasts moments. The area is well numbed for 1 hour prior to the procedure. Patients may feel heat on the lasered skin, but this is cooled with ice and Aquaphor ointment immediately after treatment.

Yes. Treatment settings are adjusted for individual safety and goals.

Fractional laser leaves fractions of skin intact, so the risk of complications is extremely low. We have not had any serious complication ever with SmartSkin. Pigmentation issues are a possibility with any laser procedure, but we take measures to reduce this risk and avoid any issues.

Downtime is customizable to meet your availability. Laser settings can be adjusted to result in only 2 days for a lighter treatment or up to a full week of downtime for a more intense treatment. You tell us and we adjust the settings to meet your need. Remember, though, that the longer the downtime, the higher the settings, equals more the results.

Recovery is short and the treated area will heal fast with easy aftercare.

You keep Aquaphor or Biafine on the area and do not wash the area for 2-3 days. Be sure to take your Valcyclovir and Keflex antibiotic to prevent cold sore outbreaks and infection. Take Advil or Tylenol and apply an icy cold washcloth for any mild discomfort the first day or so. Swelling is a normal and vital phase of healing. Depending on the settings used, you can expect mild to intense swelling for a day or more. After 2-3 days, wash gently and reapply healing ointment to continue to protect the area while it is healing. You may use makeup after Day 2 if your treatment was light and after Day 5 if your treatment was intense. Do not expose the treated area to unprotected sun for 4 weeks after treatment to avoid damaging the newly resurfaced skin.

What Other Treatments Can Further My Results?

Anti wrinkle injections every 3-5 months provides unsurpassed wrinkle prevention by stopping the muscles that cause many facial wrinkles. Regular treatments result in a youthful, related, smooth, happier appearance.

Skincare products that consist of prescription ingredients and are formulated with the top dermatological science. OBAGI skincare delivers visible results that transform pigmented, aged, wrinkled, rough, lax, or acne prone skin into smoother, clearer, softer, bouncier youthful skin.

For over 3 decades, tretinoin has been the dermatologists gold standard for treating acne, some rosacea and for its amazing anti- aging results. This prescription skincare medication offers benefits that are unrivaled in any skincare products out there. Benefits many patients see include: bouncier, plumper skin; tighter skin; clearer, brighter skin; smoother texture, smaller, cleaner pores.

OBAGI SPF offers non-greasy, non-irritating, fragrance free sunscreens for all skin types. These SPF products utilize the safest, highest quality and most effective ingredients to protect the only skin you have.

Intense pulsed light treatments as often as once per month keep skin clearer and free of pigmentation spots, stimulate collagen and elastin, eliminate broken vessels and redness. IPL is affordable and just plain delivers results that aren’t seen with expensive traditional facials.

A patented, safe, effective PRP procedure designed to deliver serious anti-aging results that look completely natural. PRP and hyaluronic acid dermal filler combine with precise injections to replace volume, increase production and hydration, and brighten aging skin.

4 proven anti-aging modalities in 1 easy treatment: PRP serum stimulates growth naturally using your own blood; Microneedles instigate healing and allow for PRP absorption; RF/radio frequency tightens, coagulates broken vessels; and LED light triggers further collagen and elastin growth.

Instantly replace lost volume, smooth folds and wrinkles, and softly enhance facial features for immediate natural looking results.


SmartSkin Fractional CO2 Laser skin Rejuvenation is available only in our Fort Myers office only. For the convenience of those living in Naples, we offer the revolutionary and entirely equivalent MIXTO Fractional CO2 Laser skin rejuvenation in our Naples office only.